
I’ve always had this urge within me to spread the love of all things Rave around the world. Hence, back in 2004 I started a company called Raveworld. At the time it was literally just a brand name to use for the odd event here and there. I did however use the brand successfully on a regular basis in Ibiza, Majorca, Corfu and beyond for a few years up until about 2008. Then by mid-2008 I had teamed up as a partnership and formed a company called Can You Feel It Media, so Raveworld took a back seat and then eventually fizzled out.

Ibiza, Majorca & Corfu
Weekly Ibiza, Majorca & Corfu Raveworld Events

World Of Rave

After a few years of good business and some great experiences, Can You Feel It Media took a natural nose dive as the other partner found more interest down other avenues. This certainly wasn’t a problem as it reignited my Rave-fire again. By 2013 the result was WorldOfRave.co.uk. I was working closely with my good friend Mark, better known to many as Codey. Mark is a technical wizard and he soon became my right hand man with the world wide web. Our first mission was to market some branded t-shirts, however totally unbeknown to me, a few other people had the same idea. I often wonder if we’d all unknowingly caught the exact same inspiration from somewhere at exactly the same time. Anyway, the t-shirts didn’t really take off like we imagined, although they have slowly ticked over for the past few years.

World Of Rave Show

Along with the new website, on 21st April 2013 I broadcast my 1st World Of Rave Radio Show. This was live via my own web stream on slipmatt.net as well as with Kool London and a few other internet and pirate FM stations. The show was for 2 hours and got a great response from the off. We had Rachel reading the news and weather, and Rhodesy from 2 Bad Mice reading out his ridiculous “World of Amazing Facts”. It was a lot of fun. After a year or so my schedule became too demanding to carry on with a live broadcast so I went down the pre-recorded route. I decided to change the show in to a 60 minute podcast with less chat-more music. The podcast then went across 20 stations weekly, but throughout the week at various times. Personally I much prefer the 1 hour shows and it’s still in the same format today. It also gets thousands of plays and downloads every week via Mixcloud and iTunes.

World Of Rave Compilation Albums
SMD & Awesome Compilations


Apart from t-shirts, hoodies, podcasts and the occasional annual branded event like Bestival and SOS Ibiza, World Of Rave has also been releasing music. We started with SMD#5 at the end of 2014 which was my first vinyl release in many years. This sold out on pre-sale, so I knew there were still legs left in this side of the business. Over the past 2 years we’ve successfully released 3 compilation CDs, a couple of digital download releases, and 2 USBs packed full with hours of shows and live DJ mixes. As we move in to 2018 we now have a string of releases in the pipeline, ranging from Old Skool to brand new music.

A New Era Of Rave

Admittedly, it has taken a long time for World Of Rave to gain speed, 5 years in fact, but it was just never the top priority that is has turned in to recently. As well as teaming up with some very high profile DJs for some big new music releases, we’re even daring to come back with some brand new t-shirt designs for 2018, now that we understand the business a lot better. I won’t tell you all that we have going on as it will spoil some of the surprises, but we have big moves planned for 2018 and beyond, including things that I never imagined were possible up until less than a year ago. A big highlight for me coming up next month is the release of the Limited Edition SMD 25th Anniversary Vinyl Collection, with all 5 SMDs plus a bonus track from 1993 that has never been pressed before.

World Of Rave Artwork by Andy-King
Unique World Of Rave Artwork by Andy-King

World Of Rave 5th Birthday

So, we’re also fast approaching World Of Rave’s 5th birthday. We have a new logo courtesy of the amazing Cosmic Webb, and I’m currently looking at venues in London to hold a small VIP party for around 150 dedicated ravers in mid-May. This will also feature my 30 Years of Rave showcase with the legendary MC Chalkie White and our new dancers. Tickets will be available direct from www.worldofrave.co.uk so please keep an eye out over the following few weeks…

For more info on World Of Rave please email info@worldofrave.co.uk and we will gladly get back to you as soon as possible and keep you up to date with what we’re up to. I’m very much looking forward to the year unfolding and sharing all the Rave goodness with you all… ?


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